North Ilthin

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North Ilthin
Area N/A
Population N/A
Denonym N/A
Countries - (List of sovereign states in North Ilthin)

North Ilthin is a continent bordered by the west by the Ithis Ocean and to the north by Arthane.

Political Geography

File:Map north ilthin alliance.png
Alliances of North Ilthin:
Short and formal names International organizations
 Chiferra – Chiferra A  International League
 Converged Power Security Pact
 Ikamein – Ikamein A  International League
 Arthane Defense Agreement
 Jeris – Jeris A  International League
 Converged Power Security Pact
 Karuma – Karuma A  International League
 Converged Power Security Pact
 Northurnia – Northurnia A  International League
 Arthane Defense Agreement
 Polea – Polea A  International League
 Arthane Defense Agreement
 Toumyn – Toumyn A  International League
 Arthane Defense Agreement
 Vikela – Vikela A  International League
 Arthane Defense Agreement

See Also